Monday, March 1, 2010

Hello PR :)

What a great race this weekend! Both Courtney and I kicked butt at the Hyannis Half Marathon! I beat my past half marathon time, which if you remember was 2:18:22, by OVER TEN MINUTES! I officially crossed the finish line at 2:06:24. Simply amazing! I couldn't do it without the help of my teammates who run just that much faster than me, and kept me motivated to keep up the faster pace.

Today, my legs are super sore, and it was definitely a chore walking up the steps to my office. I plan on doing some gentle arc training this afternoon to get my legs moving again, since this week is going to be a very hard training week. We're scheduled to run 16-18 miles this weekend...and I thought 13.1 was a lot!

On a fundraising note, BOTH Courtney and I have each hit the $5,000 mark! Special thanks to ALL of our friends and family who have already donated. We couldn't do this without your support. If you haven't donated yet, but would like to get involved, visit our fundraising pages  - AMANDA and COURTNEY - or save the date for our Fundraising event on Saturday, April 10th.  Details to come shortly, so stayed tuned....


Anonymous said...

Congrats on both the PR and the fundraising. Very impressive and inspiring for those of us who didn't have as great of a race and still have further to go for donations. :-)

msbuller said...

Great job on the run! Good luck on the long run this weekend. Just remember it's only a 5k more than what you've done and you can run a 5k in your sleep!

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