Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Miscellaneous Musings of a First Time Marathoner

1. Sometimes you just need a kick in the butt, like when Noah reminded me that an ear infection was in my ear, and it's the legs that you use for running. No more excuses.

2. Little things can make you happy, like finding a not-quite-hidden-but-didn't-notice-it-at-first small pocket in my new running pants.

3. Note to self: a hat that fully covers your head but only comes 2/3 of the way down your ears is NOT sufficient at keeping ears warm. Wearing metal hoop earrings while running probably doesn't help either.

4. Thinking that running was an inexpensive sport was clearly naïve.

5. How come shorter distance and slower time can feel harder than longer distance and faster time?

6. Last week, I lost an impromptu race with an empty bag of Cape Cod potato chips that the wind was blowing down Main Street. I was leading for a while, but then it got gusty, and the chips crossed the finish line (i.e. my front steps) before I could get there. Wonder if this is a metaphor for my diet...


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