Note to the seasoned runners reading this: your first reaction is probably “duh” or “reality check.” But bear with me as I slowly make the transition from team sports player to marathoner.
It turns out that fall/winter is a tough time for a new runner to start training. Here’s a sample weekday for me:
- 7:00am – alarm goes off. Barely open eyes enough to hit the snooze button on not one, but two, alarms. No coherent thoughts or physical ability to get out of the bed and go running before work.
- 7:30am – get up and shower so that I’m not late for work.
- 5:30/6:00pm – on most days, work is over. If I have no plans, I can put on something bright and reflective and go for a run.
Clearly, all of these dinners and dark nights are interfering with my training. But I don’t belong to a gym (yet) for those workouts that would take place after dark. I have time after dinner, but can’t run on a full stomach. I could cut back on the socializing (gasp!), but I draw a lot of energy and motivation from my friends and family. Running only on the weekends just isn’t sufficient.
I know that I will have to cut back on some of these dinners and post-work events, and I will, starting now. But I’d love any other suggestions on how to work running into a busy girl’s schedule.
Run girls run!!!
I had the same issues when I was training for Boston and there were a few things that I did to help...
1. Workout in the mornings - while it sucks to loose that hour or so of sleep, it means that you can still have a social life
2. Run with friends after work- this way you don't have to go in the morning or run in the dark by yourself. I know you're a great multi-tasker, so why not run and socialize at the same time?!?
3. Crossroads on Thurs nights - not sure if this is still on, but on Thurs nights, runners gather at Crossroads (Beacon & Mass) go for a short or long run and then eat pizza and drink beer. Again, multi-task - socialize, run, drink and eat all in one evening!
4. And finally, join a gym and get some workout DVDs for home. Then you'll never have an excuse not to do something...
Hope this was helpful!
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