Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The video makes it to prime time

In a feat of modern technology, Amanda and I filmed our video AND managed to post it to the blog. Let me tell you, we are whizzes when it comes to the magic of the interweb.

Now, everyone can watch and see how excited we are to run Boston for DFCI in 2010. And by everyone, I mean me, Amanda, and the DFCI running programs staff, because we're the only ones who know the blog exists...so far. We're itching to spread the word about the blog, but are waiting to first hear if we make the team.

Please consider this just one more way we're showing our enthusiasm and motivation for joining the 2010 DFMC Team. Pick us!


Anonymous said...

Love it!! Congratulations on making the team - you're both going to make such a big difference to the people around you and those you will help with the money you raise. Let us know how we can help. Muah xx

Anonymous said...

What an amazing video. As someone with a video blog for DFMC, I'm humbled and inspired. Very well done.

tyler513 said...

This is amazing!!! I never knew that you guys did this.

Just another reason why I'm proud to call you friends and teammates.


Kelley said...

Great video!!! So excited you guys are on the team. That was really creative! I laughed out loud that Amanda works for the Cranberry bogs. I work for a company that just did a television commercial there in the fall. So funny! See you in Boston!

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